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The SEEDS Nucleus has the mission of coordinating research activities and projects related to sustainability, ergonomics and innovation with a focus on developing actions that generate socio-environmental impact; considering areas related to social inclusion and protection, macro-economics and aimed at improving the performance of productive systems in order to contribute to better training of students and to support companies and entities related to this sector.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Lines of action:

- Macroergonomics.

- Technologies that aim at social impact for Sustainable Development.

- Disaster Prevention Technologies.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Also included in our research group are the Projeto Dar a Mão and the Technical Group on Ergonomics and Human Factors .

We are a family owned and operated business.


Profª Drª Rosimeire Sedrez Bitencourt
Prof Dr Rafael R. Guimarães Wollmann
Prof Dr Osiris Canciglieri Jr., PhD
Profª Drª Mª Lucia Miyake Okumura


Marcia Gemari Derenevich
Camilla Buttura Chrusciak
Cristoffer Rodrigues Poncini
Juliane Emy


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